When I was child I remember eating my meat last, chicken last..
Whatever treat there was, I remember first finishing the rest of the food, be it rice, ugali etc and being left with the delicacies to loving devour :)
When I went to high school, and had to feast on the 'mbocha' filled githeri, one of my friends used to pick on the maize on her plate first and be left with beans which she would then happily 'treat' her too.
Its been many years since I left school and guess what, I have yet another friend who does the same thing. Each time we go for lunch she clears the veges and starch first then is left with the protein..
I dont really know when it is that i stopped saving the best for last?
Perhaps it was the day I woke up to the death of a loved one and realised the best is right here with you..
Perhaps it was after holding back in a relationship and playing safe.. all in the hope's that when he comes round to fully appreciating me, then I be my best? only to lose out completely.
Or perhaps its after all unjust events in the world.. hurricanes, earthquakes, famine... you name it!
I have resolved not to keep a shoe, an outfit or perfume for a special ocassion..
Each day i live is that special ocassion..
after all its a present for me to see today..
Embrace the day and live the best I can today..