Wednesday, February 01, 2006

If he didn't love you like he does...

Enough to give up his glory and majesty...
To come down and live like a mortal being whilst he was God's only son!
More.. to be born to humble parents..
To live a life like we have...
But his was a life of goodness and yet for his good, he was paid with ridicule and mockery....
.... and pain and finally, he was crucified
And his pain was our gain...
For through his death we were reconcilied to God!
Today if you hear his voice, do not harden your heart.
.... see to it that no one misses the grace of God. Hebrews 12:15


Are those who know you are hurting with one look..
Share your laughter and tears....
Remember birthdays and anniversaries...
Will call you in the middle of the night just to share a thought..
Are treasures from above...
Will always want the best for you..
Allow you to be yourself..
Will notice the first grey hairs on your head..and tease you about it!
Are those you lose your guard with..
Will always have time for you..
will attend your wedding and funerals of you loved ones..
But the best of friends is Jesus!
There is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.